queen of procrastination tis i

Written by sherry. Posted in blog

Published on April 26, 2012 with No Comments

Now, doesn’t that look like a room that is clean and organized? Yes, it is. Both clean AND organized. What you don’t know is that it has taken me 8 FREAKIN’ months to create that slice of heaven by actually cleaning and organizing. My ignoring it created the biggest storage shed in Kingdom Come and was waking me up at night, starting with a whisper and, lately, with all-out shouting, ‘Get in here NOW!!!’


So, in a week when I am supposed to get ready for an out-of-town trip and putting on a bridal shower for my lovely Lindsey, I, of course, decided to clean the room. And jeez am I glad I did! I have always believed that a serene environment creates a serene spirit. Why I forgot that I’m not sure. What I AM sure about is that since I cleaned it, my creative juices have started flowing again. I was able to un-clutter my brain and make good decisions on what to take on our trip and, better yet, make decisions for Lindsey’s shower. I know that sounds extreme, but, truly, I was having major mental blocks on all that. And as soon as I did have it all clean and sparkly, I was soooo happy.

Let’s all hope I learned something and that this is the last time I do anything to sabotage my serenity.

But, since I AM the Queen of Procrastination, there’s a good chance of it occurring again. Maybe an abdication is in order.


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